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Studio One 4 Notation Worksheet

“When I opened up Studio One, it was extremely intuitive…I was able to recreate my entire Logic tracking template in Studio One without googling a thing.”

“It's a great DAW for musicians like me because I can effortlessly flow from initial track idea to finished master without it getting in the way of my creativity. It’s incredibly intuitive and a pure joy to use, but is still powerful enough to handle everything I can think of throwing at it.”

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In this article, we're going to discuss notation in Studio One.
Notation and scoring are not native in Studio One but works by tightly integrating Studio One with Notion, the notation application from PreSonus, the makers of Studio One.
Marcus Huyskens has produced this excellent video showing how Notion and Studio One 3.3 and above work, so take a moment to watch the video tutorial.
When Notion 6 with Studio One 3 are coupled you can send;
You can run the two apps either on the same computer or over a network, so if you a spare computer then you can share the resources, it's a perfect way to use a computer that may not be powerful enough to run your main studio software.
There are various notation applications available from PreSonus for both desktop and iOS these include;